Abigail’s story is short but powerful. She was a beautiful, wise, and virtuous woman. She was the wife of Nabal. His name portrayed his character “Nabal; for as his name is, so is he. Nabal[c] is his name, and folly is with him…” (I Samuel 25:25 WEB). Her actions teach us how we as women can be honorable and humble of spirit.
1 Samuel 25:3 Now the name of the man was #Nabal and the name of his wife #Abigail. This woman was intelligent and had a beautiful face, but the man was surly and evil in his doings. He was of the house of Caleb. (WEB) David and 600 of his men were camped about Nabal’s property. They watched over Nabal’s flocks and shepherds so that not one of his flock went missing. David was honorable in his actions toward Nabal but as we can see from the next part of the story Nabal did not return the honor bestowed upon him. Let this be a lesson for us all. I Samuel 25:4 David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his sheep. 5 David sent ten young men, and David said to the young men, “Go up to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and greet him in my name. 6 Tell him, ‘Long life to you! Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have. 7 Now I have heard that you have shearers. Your shepherds have now been with us, and we didn’t harm them, neither was there anything missing from them, all the while they were in Carmel. 8 Ask your young men, and they will tell you. Therefore, let the young men find favor in your eyes; for we come on a good day. Please give whatever comes to your hand, to your servants, and to your son David.’” The story continues with Nabal's refusal to supply food for David and his men who were on the run from King Saul (v 10-11). Abigail had the presence of mind, the wisdom, and the understanding that David was more than a vagabond, more than a fugitive. He was going to be a king. Perhaps she knew his story. Perhaps she knew the prophecies about David. Regardless, this wise, discerning, generous and righteous woman honored David as she acted swiftly to prepare a huge meal of five sheep, 200 loaves of bread, wine, and she was even thoughtful enough to bring dessert to them (v18). Abigail had a servant’s heart which lead her to prepare such a feast for David and his men and deliver it to them. Her humble and sincere request from David was to put the blame on her for Nabal’s refusal of David’s request and to spare her husband. She honored David once again her humble and respectful words, (v 28-31) “For Yahweh will certainly make my lord a sure house, because my lord fights Yahweh’s battles. Evil will not be found in you all your days. 29 Though men may rise up to pursue you, and to seek your soul, yet the soul of my lord will be bound in the bundle of life with Yahweh your God. He will sling out the souls of your enemies, as from the hollow of a sling. 30 It will come to pass, when Yahweh has done to my lord according to all the good that he has spoken concerning you, and has appointed you prince over Israel, 31 that this shall be no grief to you, nor offense of heart to my lord, either that you have shed blood without cause, or that my lord has avenged himself. When Yahweh has dealt well with my lord, then remember your servant.” David not only heard her but also granted her request (v 35). He spared Nabal and his household. Abigail did not let Nabal know what she was doing at the time. She did tell him the next morning after he had sobered up. His response? He went into a rage. Nabal's “heart died within him, and he became as a stone” (v. 37). We must always be careful and dutiful to help God’s chosen ones any time we get the opportunity to do so. Abigail was blessed 1,000-fold for her generosity, her humility, and her respect towards David. When David got news of the death of Nabal he sent for her to become his wife (v40). Abigail became the 3rd wife of David before he became a king. Although Abigail’s story is short there are many lessons the Lord gives us through her story. I will share three of them.
Touching on one more aspect of Abigail’s life, she was married to a “churlish” and evil man who was a drunkard. The Lord had a plan to move Abigail to safety. You should also pray and consider getting help if you are in a relationship that is abusive. Don’t stay because you think you can change them, or because you think they will get better. Only God can change the heart of another. Find a place of safety where you can flourish and become the woman God created you to be. You deserve to live in peace and abundance. What other life lessons did you get from this post? I would love to hear what you come up with. ### Cindy Hyde, MA is a published author, blogger, media personality, ordained minister, pastoral counselor, certified professional life coach, and CEO and founder of The East Texas Healing Center. Over the course of her career, Cindy has become known as a trusted partner among those who are serious about overcoming life’s struggles, walking in victory, and living successfully. She currently lives in Nacogdoches, TX with her husband Michael and their spoiled poodle Quincy. Connect with Cindy at cindyhyde.com, fb.me/cindyhyde, @cindyhyde, www.easttexashealingcenter.org ### #RealTalkwithJoaneiandCindy #JoanieBuchanan #CindyHyde #Podcast #WOTG #WomenoftheBible #GodlyWomen #God #Jesus #Abigail #Nabal #2Samuel25 #KingDavid #Catering #Alcoholic #AbusiveRelationships #GetHelp #StaySafe #ProtectYourself #YouDeserveBetter #WorldEnglishBible #WEB #HumbleYourself
Her name means “Honey Bee”
Key Scriptures is Judges 4-5 In the Book of Judges Chapters 4 and 5, Deborah the 4th Judge of Israel and the only female Judge mentioned in the bible, and the wife of Lapidot. Deborah was a prophetess who summoned Barak to battle against an army of invaders when they are threatened by the Canaanites. After the battle she wrote a victory song which is part of the book of Judges. Her vision of the world around her was shaped not by the political situation of day but by her relationship with God. Though women in the ancient world did not usually become political leaders, Deborah was just the leader Israel needed---a prophetess who heard God and believed him, whose courage aroused the people, to throw off foreign oppression. In the time of the judges when Israel had turned away from God in civil disorder. Deborah come forward to the challenge. As her wisdom in making judgment became known God spoke to Deborah, she immediately responded by calling Barak to lead the people in battle against their oppressor of 20 years. Barak was reluctant to go without Deborah which revealed Israel’s lack of strong male leadership. For 40 years the people prospered under her leadership. She lead with prayer, word of encouragement, and by her presence. He adversary lost his army, his honour, and his life. She was not the only female prophet but the only female to hold the title of Judge in Israel. Interesting, when Deborah described herself, she didn’t use terms like prophet or leader or general or any other term of influence and power. She described herself as ‘a mother in Israel” Her position was not only mother to her own children but to the children of Israel. Israel had forgotten who they were and Deborah reminded them and led them in victory over their enemies, and her demonstration of peace was known throughout all Israel. You may not have a position of authority---however, you can be a mother to your children and the children in your neighborhood. And direct them in the right direction. If you will pray to God He can show you righteous direction for yourself and others. We must take a look at Deborah and ask what we can do to give right counsel and lead others into victory in direction God leads. Deborah found a song that encouraged her faith and gave that song to the nation. ### Joanie Buchanan is a Christian author and speaker, Bible teacher, minister, radio and television host, blogger, and a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She has been in ministry for more than 40 years. She and her husband Denver have pastored churches across the nation and have traveled extensively sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joanie is passionate about teaching the Word of God and does so with enthusiasm and wisdom. She promotes Christian recording artists. When Joanie is not traveling or writing, she is enjoying time with her family and friends. She currently resides in Branson, MO with her devoted husband and son, Matt. Joanie's book, Spending Time with Joanie is available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble her website. joaniebuchanan.org, amazon.com/author/joaniebuchanan, fb.me/joaniebyrdbuchanan, @joaniebuchanan, Spending Time With Joanie ### Real Talk with Joanie and Cindy is an inspirational and motivational faith-based podcast with co-hosts Joanie Buchanan and Cindy Hyde. Joanie and Cindy are both Christian authors, coaches, counselors, media personalities, ministers, and motivational speakers who share their love for God and His Word with practical applications that help bring hope and healing to their listeners. They are listener supported. If their ministry has touched your life help them carry the Gospel around the world by donating today to Paypal.me/healingcenter Your donations are tax deductible through The East Texas Healing Center. ### #JoanieBuchanan #RealTalkwithJoanieandCindy #CindyHyde #DeborahJudgeofIsrael #WomenoftheBible #Prophetess When we started recording the first few Real Talk with Joanie and Cindy radio shows over three years ago we had no idea where the journey into the media ministry would take us. We just celebrated our 3rd anniversary in June. We have enjoyed doing every program for you. During the past few months the Lord has impressed on us to step out and launch this ministry far and wide and that He would "enlarged our territory..." (I Chronicles 4:10). This is exactly what He has done. First, we launched Real Talk with Joanie and Cindy on Blog Talk Radio which is the world’s largest online talk radio and podcast hosting platform. Soon after that we had the opportunity to broadcast our radio shows on WOTG Radio Network. Over the past three months we submitted our podcasts to Google Play, iHeartRadio, and iTunes. We are excited to announce we are approved on all of them. That means you can easily download our inspirational, encouraging, motivational podcasts and listen to them on the go or in the comfort of your own home when you have the opportunity to do so. We know you will enjoy our podcasts and radio shows. We have also been busy enlarging our online presence social media territory. We created our new website www.realtalkwithjoanieandcindy.com, we have new banners, you can find us on Facebook, Twitter @RTJoanieCindy, Instagram, GooglePlus and Tumbler. In addition, our podcasts are now on ReverbNation, SoundCloud, Spreaker, Spotify, and YouTube. We were just informed that Real Talk with Joanie and Cindy is now syndicated on WOTG Radio Network and all its affiliates. One last thing, we have launched Real Talk with Joanie and Cindy Blog where you can read informative blogs about the programs we record, show notes, news, and updates. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive your free eBook from Joanie and Cindy. Please connect with us by leaving a message. We are both so thankful to God for opening all these doors for us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world! (Mark 16:15) *** Real Talk with Joanie and Cindy is an inspirational and motivational faith-based podcast with co-hosts Joanie Buchanan and Cindy Hyde. Joanie and Cindy are both Christian authors, coaches, counselors, media personalities, ministers, and motivational speakers who share their love for God and His Word with practical applications that help bring hope and healing to their listeners. They are listener supported. If their ministry has touched your life help them carry the Gospel around the world by donating today to Paypal.me/healingcenter Your donations are tax deductible through The East Texas Healing Center. *** #RealtalkwithJoanieandCindy #JoanieBuchanan #CindyHyde |
AuthorsCo-hosts Joanie Buchanan and Cindy Hyde are inspiring women of God, authors, ministers, counselors, and coaches who talk about life's issues from a Biblical perspective to bring comfort, encouragement, and hope to their listeners. Listen to their podcast on Spreaker, iTunes, iHeartRadio Archives
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